Electromagnetic Nutrition
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EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution

by Elizabeth Plourde PhD, Marcus Plourde PhD
SKU: BW008
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Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) cannot be seen, therefore it is hard to imagine they would have an impact on our health.However, the evidence outlined in this expose shows us that nothing could be further from the truth. Cell phones, WiFi systems, electrical SMART meters, cell towers, and microwave relay transmission stations are all having a cumulative affect on the our health.Dr. Plourde has pulled together the studies that prove the cells of the body act as antennas and are impacted by the constant bombardment of radio frequencies. Consumers have embraced these technologies worldwide, as there are now 7 billion wireless devices in operation. The more sensitive are already feeling the effects and eventually everyone will be impacted.How many are developing headaches, migraines, and skin rashes that doctors are unable to determine the cause? Health issues will become more and more common for people as radiation has a cumulative effect.3rd edition has been revised, reformatted, and updated from the 1st edition with 100 new pages of the latest research.

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