Electromagnetic Nutrition
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Guidance on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr Rajendra Sharma, a leading integrated physician, shares how he is managing his busy practice during the COVID-19 outbreak. He shares the rationale behind many of the recommendations he is making to his patients. This recording is now available to download. for all.
Manufacturer: Conella
Product Details

With all of the worrying reports in the media today, we understand that this is a trying time for many, and here at Conella, we want to support you through this period of stress and uncertainty.

As you may have noticed, the internet and media are currently flooded with so-called cures and remedies for Covid-19, and we have found ourselves inundated with requests for advice. In addition, we’ve seen an unprecedented rise in orders, with many hoping to optimise their immune systems and give themselves the best possible chance of staying healthy and well as the Corona pandemic looms.

However, what we don’t want to do is hand out incorrect information, so to avoid this happening, we’ve been in long discussions with one of our medical colleagues Dr Rajendra Sharma.  A GMC qualified, naturopathically trained, medical practitioner, he’s our go-to man for insights into both mainstream medicine, homeopathy and naturopathy.  Conella considers he is perfectly placed to offer advice on how best to prepare for the challenges ahead.

In the spirit of pulling together, Dr Sharma will deliver an insightful talk – one you can access online and entirely for free. This is available to anyone interested in hearing advice on how best to combat the threat of Coronavirus and boost your immune system.

Covering everything from insights into viral behaviour, and broad precautionary recommendations to minimise the spread of Covid-19 through to naturopathic techniques for optimising immune function, Dr Sharma’s advice will aim to provide benefit to young and old, high risk and low risk alike.

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